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Non-Contradictory Complementary Information Example

NCCI Example Non-Contradictory Complementary Information Example
SX001a-EN-EU Simply supported laterally unrestrained
SX002a-EN-EU Buckling resistance of a pinned column with intermediate restraints
SX003a-EN-EU Simply supported beam with intermediate lateral restraints
SX004a-EN-EU Pinned column using non-slender H-section or RHS
SX005a-EN-EU Choosing a steel sub-grade
SX006a-EN-EU Calculation of alpha-cr
SX007a-EN-EU Simply supported beam with lateral restraint at load application point
SX008a-EN-EU Sway stability
SX009a-EN-EU Composite floor slab
SX010a-EN-EU Continuous column in a multi-storey building using an H-section or RHS
SX011a-EN-EU Unrestrained beam with end moments
SX012a-EN-EU End plate beam-to-column-flange simple connection
SX013a-EN-EU Fin plate beam-to-column-flange connection
SX014a-EN-EU Simply supported secondary composite beam
SX015a-EN-EU Simply supported primary composite beam
SX016a-EN-EU Determination of loads on a building envelope
SX017a-EN-EU Single span truss and post frame for a low pitch roof using battened section chords
SX018a-EN-EU Column splice – non-bearing splice
SX019a-EN-EU Column base connection under axial compression
SX020a-EN-EU Tying and the avoidance of disproportionate collapse
SX021a-EN-EU Simply supported IPE profile purlin
SX022a-EN-EU Calculation of effective section properties for a cold-formed lipped channel section in bending
SX023a-EN-EU Calculation of effective section properties for a cold-formed lipped channel section in compression
SX024a-EN-EU Design of a cold-formed steel lipped
SX025a-EN-EU Design of a cold-formed steel lipped channel wall stud in tension
SX026a-EN-EU Design and serviceability limit state check of a cold-formed steel member in bending
SX027a-EN-EU Design of a cold-formed steel lipped channel wall stud in compression and bending
SX028a-EN-EU Design resistance of a screwed connection of cold-formed members
SX029a-EN-EU Elastic analysis of a single bay portal frame
SX030a-EN-EU Elastic design of a single bay portal frame made of fabricated profiles
SX031a-EN-EU Portal frame – eaves moment connection
SX033b-EN-EU Truss or post end connection
SX034a-EN-EU Bolted connection of an angle brace in tension to a gusset plate
SX036a-EN-EU Fire resistance of a welded box section
SX037a-EN-EU Fire resistance of a composite slab to EN 1994-1-2
SX038a-EN-EU Fire resistance of a partially encased composite steel beam
SX039a-EN-EU Fire resistance of a partially encased composite column
SX040a-EN-EU Fire engineering a composite SHS column
SX041a-EN-EU Fire design of an unprotected beam using graphs
SX042a-EN-EU Parametric fire curve for a fire
SX043a-EN-EU Fire design of unprotected HEB section
SX044a-EN-EU Fire design of a protected HEB section column exposed to the standard temperature time curve
SX045a-EN-EU Fire design of a protected HEB section column exposed to the parametric fire curve
SX046a-EN-EU Fire design of an unprotected IPE section beam exposed to the standard time temperature curve
SX047a-EN-EU Fire design of protected IPE section beam exposed to parametric fire curve
SX048a-EN-EU Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve





Eurocode Non-Contradictory Complementary Information

NCCI Non-Contradictory Complementary Information
SN001a-EN-EU Critical axial load for torsional and flexural torsional
SN002a-EN-EU Determination of non-dimensional slenderness of I and H sections
SN003a-EN-EU Elastic critical moment for lateral torsional buckling
SN004a-EN-EU Calculation of alpha-cr
SN005a-EN-EU Determination of moments on columns in simple construction
SN006a-EN-EU Elastic critical moment of cantilevers
SN007a-EN-EU Torsion
SN008a-EN-EU Buckling lengths of columns – rigorous approach
SN009a-EN-EU Effective lengths and destabilizing load parameters for beams and cantilevers – common cases
SN010a-EN-EU Initial Design of non-Composite Beams
SN012a-EN-EU Sizing guidance – non-composite columns (H sections)
SN013a-EN-EU Initial sizing of simple end plate connections
SN014a-EN-EU Shear resistance of a simple end plate connection
SN015a-EN-EU Tying resistance of a simple end plate connection
SN016a-EN-EU Initial sizing of fin plate connections
SN017a-EN-EU Shear resistance of a fin plate connection
SN018a-EN-EU Tying resistance of a fin plate connection
SN019a-EN-EU Design rules for web openings in beams
SN020a-EN-EU Simple Construction – concept and typical frame
SN021a-EN-EU Design of simple column bases with shear nibs
SN022a-EN-EU Initial Design of Composite Beams
SN023a-EN-EU Design model for non-bearing column splices
SN024a-EN-EU Initial sizing of non-bearing column splices
SN025a-EN-EU Column splices not requiring full continuity of stiffeness
SN026a-EN-EU Bearing column splices
SN027a-EN-EU Design of roof trusses
SN028a-EN-EU Initial sizing of vertical bracing for a multi-storey building for design as a braced, non-sway frame
SN029a-EN-EU Modelling of portal frames – elastic analysis
SN030a-EN-EU Mono-symmetrical uniform members under bending and axial compression
SN031a-EN-EU Effective lengths of columns and truss elements in truss portal frame construction
SN032a-EN-EU General method for out-of-plane buckling in portal frames
SN033a-EN-EU Simple methods for second order effects in portal frames
SN034a-EN-EU Vertical and horizontal deflection limits for multi-storey buildings
SN035a-EN-EU Practical deflection limits for single storey buildings
SN036a-EN-EU Vibrations
SN037a-EN-EU Design model for simple column bases- axially loaded I section columns
SN038a-EN-EU Design of a notched section at the end of a beam
SN039a-EN-EU Practical analytical models for portal frames (plastic analysis)
SN040a-EN-EU Design model for welded joints in trusses using structural hollow sections
SN041a-EN-EU Design of portal frame eaves connections
SN042a-EN-EU Design of portal frame apex connections
SN043a-EN-EU Design of fixed column base joints
SN044a-EN-EU Design models for splices in structural hollow
SN045a-EN-EU Column base stiffness for global analysis
SN046a-EN-EU Design of out of plane and transverse restraint systems for portal frames
SN047a-EN-EU Simplified approaches to the selection of equivalent horizontal forces for the global analysis of braced and unbraced frames
SN048b-EN-GB Verification of columns in simple construction – a simplified interaction criterion


摘自[空心管结构CIDECT设计指南简介——方敏勇, 郝际平]

在国际管结构发展与研究委员会和国际焊接学会管结构焊接接头分会的协调下, 国内外研究人员对空心管结构开展了广泛的研究. 到目前为止, 总共发行了八本设计指南, 用以帮助管结构研究和设计人员学习和应用. 现对八本CIDECT设计指南进行简单介绍.

1 CIDECT 设计指南1: 圆管( CHS) 节点的静力强度设计指南
1.1 简介
该设计指南介绍了圆管( CHS) 相贯节点静力强度的设计方法和计算步骤, 并阐述了各种影响圆管焊接接头及螺栓连接接头静力强度的因素. 为了供管结构设计过程容易理解, 还给出了具体的设计例子.
1.2 主要内容
a. 给出了腹杆和弦杆中承受轴向荷载作用时, 圆管平面T 型、Y 型、X 型和K 型焊接相贯节点的强度设计公式;
b. 给出了腹杆和弦杆中承受轴向荷载作用时, 圆管空间T 型、Y 型、X 型和K 型焊接相贯节点的强度设计公式;
c. 给出了腹杆承受平面内弯矩作用时, 圆管平面T 型、Y 型、X 型和K 型焊接相贯节点的强度设计公式;
d. 给出了腹杆承受扭矩时, 翼缘采用螺栓连接接头的设计方法;
e. 给出了平面桁架、空间桁架( 三角形桁架梁) 和具有螺栓连接接头的结构的设计实例.

2 CIDECT 设计指南2: 空心管结构的整体稳定性
2.1 简介
该设计指南介绍了管结构整体稳定、局部稳定及横向扭转屈曲方面的问题. 由于空心管截面形状及截面材料分布合理, 圆管及矩形管比开口截面表现出更好的受压性能. 当宽( 或径) 厚比在一定范围内时, 可以忽略空心管截面的局部屈曲. 此外, 对一般空心管截面, 不需验算其横向扭转失稳问题, 因为和同样的开口截面相比, 它们有很大的极惯性矩.
2.2 主要内容
a. 给出了横截面分类的定义;
b. 总结了圆管和矩形管截面分类时, 对径厚比( d/ t ) 或宽厚比( h/ t )的限值;
c. 给出了多条柱曲线, 对冷弯成型和热轧成型的空心管截面分别有不同的柱曲线;
d. 给出了可以不验算弯扭失稳的矩形管截面梁长与截面高度比的限值;
e. 给出了受压弯联合作用下的管结构梁-柱的设计公式;
f. 给出了由于局部屈曲引起的第4 类矩形管截面的有效几何特性;
g . 给出了矩形管柱以及矩形管梁- 柱的设计实例.

3 CIDECT 设计指南3: 矩形管( RHS) 节点的静力强度设计指南
3.1 简介
该设计指南介绍了方管及矩形管结构中各种单平面与空间焊接相贯节点和螺栓连接接头的静力强度标准, 重点阐述了影响静力强度的控制参数. 在简化分析模型及试验研究的基础上, 给出了半经验极限状态设计建议公式, 还附有相应的设计图表. 为了帮助读者理解, 还给出了具体的设计实例.
3.2 主要内容
a. 给出了腹杆和弦杆中承受轴向荷载作用时, 平面矩形管T 型、Y 型、X 型及K 型节点的设计强度公式;
b. 给出了有加劲板和有混凝土填充的加强型节点的设计强度公式;
c. 给出了腹杆承受平面内弯矩作用时, 平面矩形管T 型、X 型及L 型节点的设计强度公式;
d. 给出了矩形管法兰盘螺栓连接接头及节点板连接接头的设计实例;
e. 给出了平面矩形管桁架及矩形管螺栓连接接头的设计实例.

4 CIDECT 设计指南4: 空心管柱的防火设计指南
4.1 简介
该设计指南介绍了空心管结构柱的防火措施. 空心管柱的一个主要优点是通过一些方法, 比如管内填充水或混凝土来防火, 而不是用防火涂料. 管内填充水或混凝土来防火不仅可以得到更大的使用空间, 而且可以使整个建筑的外观更纤细.
4.2 主要内容
a. 解释了一些概念, 比如耐火性能、标准防火曲线、柱子耐火性能影响因素( 例如荷载等级、横截面形状和尺寸) , 耐火等级( 例如R30, R60, R90, R120) 以及性能评估等级( 设计表格及图表、简便计算方
法和一般计算步骤) 等等;
b. 方管柱耐火性能的设计, 其主要取决于三个参数: 耐火要求, 表面形状系数及绝热材料的厚度. 表面形状系数定义为构件单位长度的外露表面积与构件单位长度体积的比值, 并给出了3 个例子;
c. 方管混凝土柱的耐火性能设计采用查表法或简化计算方法. 耐火性能根据利用程度、最小横截面尺寸、钢筋数量以及钢筋位置, 可被划分为从R30~R180 之间的不同等级. 耐火性能也可以在简化计算模型的基础上使用计算机程序计算, 并给出了两个例子;
d. 对于用水填充的方管柱耐火性能的设计, 给出了估计加热每平方米柱子表面所需用水量的简化计算表格;
e. 给出了节点防火设计的一些建议.

5 CIDECT 设计指南5: 钢管混凝土柱的静力强度和抗震设计指南
5.1 简介
5.2 主要内容
a. 给出了钢管混凝土柱在轴向荷载、弯曲及压弯组合荷载作用下的截面承载能力的简化计算公式和设计图表;
b. 给出了钢管混凝土柱在轴向荷载、弯曲及压弯组合荷载作用下的构件承载能力的简化计算公式和设计图表;
c. 给出了一些关于钢管混凝土柱的重要研究课题, 比如单轴对称钢管混凝土柱、预应力钢管柱、部分填充钢管混凝土柱及高强混凝土填充钢管混凝土柱的性能研究;
d. 给出了地震荷载作用下, 钢管混凝土柱性能的描述;
e. 给出了钢筋混凝土填充圆管柱及混凝土填充矩形钢管柱受偏心荷载作用的设计实例.

6 CIDECT 设计指南6: 空心管结构在机械中的应用设计指南
6.1 主要内容
该设计指南旨在给机械工程师、设计人员和机械制造人员建议一种从机械、建筑、结构以及造价方面来说, 都比开口截面性能良好的截面形式. 该指南不仅提供了关于制造、安装和施工方面的讨论, 而且还对静力强度计算和疲劳强度计算方法提出了一些建议. 最后给出了许多不同领域的设计实例, 以帮助读者理解空心管结构的应用.
6.2 重点内容
总结了空心钢管在以下不同领域的应用: 交通运输、飞行器维修设备、农业和林业、起重机和提升设备、娱乐场所、储藏设备、传输系统、海洋平台, 工业厂房; 总结了各种制造技术: 构件端部处理技术( 如火焰切割、激光切割、等离子切割、锯割以及腹杆端部的铣平) 、空心管结构的弯曲、焊接以及螺栓连接.

7 CIDECT 设计指南7: 空心管结构的制作、安装以及建造设计指南
7.1 主要内容
该设计指南介绍了空心管结构的制造、安装以及施工方面的问题, 这些都是在建造一个安全、经济、美观的建筑物时应该考虑的. 该设计指南旨在使建筑师、设计者和制造者对空心管结构有一个全面的了解, 以便能用其建造安全、经济、美观的建筑物.
7.2 重点内容
a. 总结了空心钢管结构所用钢材等级和尺寸容许误差;
b. 总结了空心钢管结构的制造方法, 包括切割、铣平、弯曲、钻孔、钻眼、焊接、螺栓连接以及铸造.
c. 总结了空心管结构中的次构件, 比如梁、桁架、拱梁、钢管柱、钢管混凝土柱、空间结构和连接接头( 梁- 柱接头、柱—桁架接头、端头—端头接头、隅撑节点、檩条) ;
d. 给出了空心管结构安装的一般步骤, 重点介绍了拼装台设计、工作空间、材料存放、加工器械和加工技术等等;
e. 给出了空心管结构施工方面的一些建议;
f . 总结了空心管结构防锈方面的一些方法, 比如涂防锈漆、喷涂、镀锌及密封.

8 CIDECT 设计指南8: 圆管及矩形管焊接相贯节点疲劳设计指南
8.1 简介
该设计指南主要介绍了热点应力法在疲劳设计中的应用, 该方法被认为是最精确的疲劳设计方法之一, 因为它能考虑绝大多数影响疲劳性能的因素. 该法使用基于大量参数的公式计算得出所谓的“热点应力”,然后根据疲劳-寿命曲线, 确定节点的疲劳寿命. 最后还简单介绍了确定疲劳寿命的另一种方法—— 分类法.
8.2 主要内容
a. 总结了确定焊接空心管结构相贯节点疲劳寿命的方法, 比如分类法、冲剪法、失效准则法、静力强度比较法、热点应力法及断裂力学方法;
b. 介绍了求解热点应力的方法; 给出了圆管平面T 型、Y 型、X 型、K 型节点及空间圆管XX 型、KK 型节点应力集中系数的计算公式及表格;
c. 给出了矩形管平面T 型、Y 型、X 型、K 型节点及空间矩形管XX 型、KK 型节点应力集中系数的计算公式及表格;
d. 给出了圆管K 型节点、KK 型节点, 矩形管T 型节点、K 型节点及KK 型节点疲劳计算实例;
e . 给出了一些试验研究和有限元分析确定应力集中系数( SCF) 的建议.


CIDECT Design Guide

Design Guide Title
DG1 Circular Hollow Section (CHS) Joins under Predominantly Static Loading
DG2 Structural Stability of Hollow Section
DG3 Rectangular Hollow Section (RHS) Joints under Predominantly Static Loading
DG4 Structural Hollow Section Columns Exposed to Fire
DG5 Concrete Filled Hollow Section Columns under Static and Seismic Loading
DG6 Structural Hollow Sections in Mechanical Applications
DG7 Fabrication, Assembly and Erection of Hollow Section Structures
DG8 Circular and Rectangular Hollow Section Welded Joints under Fatigue Loading
DG9 Structural Hollow Section Column Connections






攻壳机动队Innocence插曲-River of Crystals


Crystal memories
Touched by your voice ,in the moonlight
“Nothing lasts” you said
But everything still holds meaning in my heart
Hidden deep in my mind
River to the time
That we once share together
The pictures are still on the wall and why
shining smiles like snow flakes
All melted and gone away
Only answer was to live
And I am still here with your memories
Dreaming hopelessly
Holding in my heart all the flowers you left
Cristallized moments
Shatter into frozen pieces in my tears
River of moonlight I hear your voice echoing
But I am here alone
Crystal melodies moments so sweet I remember
“Nothing lasts” you said
Then why is pain still confusing memories
Only time will go on river has its end
Our light was blown by the wind
My fingers reach out and find no one there
Rainy sky please tell me my emptiness will be filled
Only answer was to live and I am still here with your memories
Walking hopelessly holding in my eyes
All the colours you left…
Broken melodies no more singing no more laughing in the sun
River of moonshine I hear your voice echoing
But I am still alone, I am alone ,alone…



一日一夜に 月は照らずとも
悲伤しみに鵺鸟 鸣く
鵺鸟 鸣く
怨恨みて 散る


